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Vernetzung mit Bernhard P. Wirth
Werke zu Verschluss-Sache: BIBEL
Werke zu Verschluss-Sache: SEELE

Vita – biography

Bernhard P. Wirth

I have spent the longest time of my life on earth so far, over 40 years, trying to discover the „Ancient Secrets of Self-Knowledge“.

Seven are the cornerstones of my studies:

The original „Hebrew Traditions“,

The „Emerald Tablets“ in the Hermetic tradition,

The ancient Egyptian wisdom teachings according to TOTH

The „Sanskrit“ in Hinduism

The texts of Taoism

The decoding of the original Buddhism

The symbolic undressing of the original alchemy and astrology

The decoding of magical texts of all traditions

I was not interested in the historical, but in the hidden wisdom and secret teachings. With every wise book I worked through, I developed an ever-increasing thirst for knowledge. Every themed room I entered usually had further doors of knowledge to be passed through. The more I knew from the old secret books, the more I was motivated to decipher further and deeper ˗˗ without knowing exactly what I was „actually“ looking for. The path of self-knowledge is the goal.

In some cases, the number of books and writings I worked through exceeded the number of books that secret societies, lodges or Masonic orders call their property.

The symbolic undressing of the original alchemy and astrology

But new obstacles and hurdles kept getting in my way: these secret books did not and do not exist in any bookshop ˗˗ very, very rarely in a national or international second-hand bookshop. And what should I look for if the writings and authors are unknown? I only found out about them through conversations with people who were already in the know, most of whom owned or knew these books or writings, but didn’t really want to disclose them, let alone lend them to me ˗˗˗ Understandably! Thanks to the internet these days, this situation has improved slightly. It is at least possible to carefully search the internet for certain traces of mysticism < mysticism means mysterious >. But the true, secret knowledge cannot be found online either.

For the great difference was and is in the revelation of knowledge: Esoteric knowledge – Knowledge known only in covenants but not revealed to the general public and exoteric knowledge – Knowledge revealed to the general public. This is the big difference between esotericism and exotericism, also known as inner knowledge and outer knowledge. As the contents of the texts of these old books and writings are mostly a body of thought from before the year 1700 AD to 1000 years before Christ, i.e. a time span of over 2700 years, and the way of thinking and use of words at that time does not even remotely correspond to our thinking today, I had to learn the different thinking from the respective times. A completely different way of thinking. With our current way of thinking, the texts of these books, with their original knowledge, cannot be read and understood in the slightest, let alone used in the search for secret, ancient knowledge.

I have spent the longest time of my life on earth so far, over 40 years, trying to discover the „Ancient Secrets of Self-Knowledge“.

Seven are the cornerstones of my studies:

The original „Hebrew Traditions“,

The „Emerald Tablets“ in the Hermetic tradition,

The ancient Egyptian wisdom teachings according to TOTH

The „Sanskrit“ in Hinduism

The texts of Taoism

The decoding of the original Buddhism

Because the big difference was and is in the revelation of knowledge: Esoteric knowledge – knowledge known only in covenants but not revealed to the general public and exoteric knowledge – knowledge revealed to the general public. This is the big difference between esotericism and exotericism, also known as inner knowledge and outer knowledge. As the contents of the texts of these old books and writings are mostly a body of thought from before the year 1700 AD to 1000 years before Christ, i.e. a time span of over 2700 years, and the way of thinking and use of words at that time does not even remotely correspond to our thinking today, I had to learn the different thinking from the respective times. A completely different way of thinking. With our current way of thinking, the texts of these books, with their original knowledge, cannot be read and understood in the slightest, let alone used in the search for secret, ancient knowledge.

Every era has and uses its „own words“: Words that have a „life of their own“ in the respective period and are then lost again. Knowing about this „own life“ and its meaning is part of understanding the ancient secret texts, which is not an easy endeavour today. Understanding the unleavened texts in their origin with our modern thinking: Impossible! From a certain depth of secrecy, in the mysteries, the written words and texts in the ancient texts and books are only encrypted. Working through the secret contents without the corresponding metaphors – keys is not only pointless, but also useless. There are also deliberate „swaps“ of content in the texts, with the aim of making the secret knowledge inaccessible to the public. Irrespective of this, each mystical tradition has its own symbolic language.

Understanding the true content of the texts is only possible with the keys to the ancient symbols of the time ˗˗ including deliberate misleading additions or omissions in the texts and symbols for those who do not really know. It is only in the deepest layers of mysticism – the literal translation of mysticism is not called mysterious for nothing – that we are no longer told of an ineffective knowledge of the mysteries. For there have always been and still are „workers“ who perform „miracles“ with this arcanum. In the past, every culture, every tradition and every philosophy also had its own specific use of words. Today we would call it „technical jargon“.

Learning the respective semantics was essential for me, a kind of theory of meaning: for words from times long past. The symbolism of signs and numbers in ancient Greek and Hebrew letters is the foundation of the theory of meaning. Mystical knowledge as symbolism of signs and numbers.

Another peculiarity of the old texts is the subjectivity of the respective „narrators“ and authors. Whether triggered by the zeitgeist and/or a personal „desire to create something new“, it is not uncommon to recognise a „missionary idea“ in the old content.

The texts from so-called teachings or brotherhoods must therefore always be „purified“ when working through them.

These lines may give you a first insight into the studies, the work and the teachings Bernhard P. Wirth.

… He who is on the way has already reached his goal …

and he who is at the goal realises that he is only on the way.

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